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"Origami and Spacecraft Structures - Current Work and a Brief History" lecture given on 12 February 2020 for the Keck Institute for Space Studies (KISS) at California Institute of Technology.


For further details, see M Kreider and M Arya, Origami-wrapped structures with corrugated unfolded forms, AIAA Journal, 2024. [link, pdf]

Experimental unfolding of a novel lightweight composite reflectarray conducted at GALCIT by a JPL and Caltech collaborative effort in September 2021. For further details, including RF testing results, see the associated conference paper: M Arya, R Hodges, JF Sauder, S Horst, M Mobrem, A Pedivellano, A Wen, A Truong, and S Pellegrino, Lightweight composite reflectarray that can be flattened, folded, and coiled for compact stowage, Spacecraft Structures Conference, AIAA SciTech Forum, San Diego CA, 2022. [link, pdf]

Unfolding of a 10 m-diameter inner disk prototype for a starshade. Repeated deployments of this structure demonstrated 100-micron-level deployment accuracy. For further details, see M Arya, FS Mechentel, DR Webb, et al., Demonstration of deployment repeatability of key subsystems of a furled starshade architecture, Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, vol 7, no 2, pp 021202, 2021. [link]

Prototype 5 m-diameter inner disk for starshades.

Deployment of a slip-wrapped structure. For further details, see M Arya, N Lee, and S Pellegrino, Crease-free biaxial packaging of thick membranes with slipping folds, International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol 108, pp 24-39, 2017. [link]